Sunday, 26 April 2020

Phil Culbert - Part 4: Retirement

This is the fourth and final installment in Phillip Myron Culbert's autobiography. Previous chapters were Part 1: The Early Years; Part 2: Career; and Part 3: Family. Today, we'll read all about Phil's retirement years. Over to you, Phil!

Phil and Angie celebrating their anniversary, a few months after Phil retired in 2010.

I officially retired from Mabe Canada (formally known as GSW and then Camco) on April 30, 2010 having just turned 60 on the 1st of April that year.  
Waking up that following morning and realizing I did not have to go to work actually felt great, and with no regrets about my decision to retire early.  
I think it was because I had given my employer six months notice of my intent to retire which made it so much easier to adjust after 42 years of working for the company.  

The toughest part of retiring early was making the decision to do so which was very difficult giving up a job you loved so much and had done your whole working career. Once that decision was made, however, there was no turning back or second guessing which made my actual retirement that much easier to enjoy.
As it was now May, 2010, finding something to keep me busy was very easy. Golf, golf and more golf! 🏌

You could almost say that I overdid it but then I quickly realized that there was no such thing as too much golf!!!! 
All good things must end though and by November of my first retirement year it was starting to get cooler and a long winter was lying ahead.  

Now what I thought? Well let’s renovate the basement; something I had wanted to do since moving into our new home 17 years earlier but had never found the time to do it. As I had zero technical or building skills to do this, I did what I do best, and that was to hire people to do the jobs I didn’t have the skills to do.  
My job became the foreman of the project which meant standing over them while they worked to make sure it was done right. (Lol!) Actually, my job was to source all the materials needed for the job of building a fourth huge bedroom complete with fireplace, another full bathroom, and building a hallway leading to the already finished laundry room and the rest of the unfinished part of the basement. I also did all the painting of all three areas. So having worked with my Dad painting when I was a kid came in handy. It was a big job. I gave the work to retired friends who were expert craftsmen and it was completed in February, 2011.
Completed new 4th bedroom downstairs. Now, we had four bedrooms and three full bathrooms for just the two of  Fortunately, we get lots of company so it has really come in handy as has the extra bathroom.

A few weeks after completion of this project the golf season was in “full swing”. (I couldn’t resist the pun.) Golf in the Okanagan starts in late March or early April and lasts on some courses until the middle of November although by then it can be quite cool. 

Angie loves golfing as well so we were able to plan golf trips together either as holidays or on weekends while she continued to work right up until her breast cancer diagnosis in February, 2016. The news of that was devastating; especially the diagnosis which was a Grade three breast cancer with a HER2-positive receptor as well. The news could not have been worse. That being said, she had an amazing attitude for beating it. She immediately proceeded to have a mastectomy, followed by eight rounds of radical chemotherapy, and then 28 rounds of radiation therapy in Kelowna; all this over a period of eight months. A year later she had breast reconstruction surgery and she's been cancer-free for four years.  

During Angie's recovery, she retired from KISS-FM where she worked for 36 years. She took on a rigorous exercise regime which she's continued ever since; Zumba, Barre and Yoga up to six times a week plus golfing two to three times a week during the season. I am so proud of her resolve to get and stay well, and she has done it all on her own with moral support from me, of course.

While still recovering from the last of her radiation treatments and catching me at a weak moment, Angie said to me “Phil! I really want to get another dog.“ We had lost the last of our two dogs, Brandy and Kimo in 2009 and we both agreed “no more dogs“ as the pain of losing them a year apart was devastating to us. Well, with the help of our daughter Allison working on my weakness, we drove to Oliver, British Columbia and picked up the newest member of our family “Summer,“ a beautiful Lab/Golden Retriever cross who is now three years old.
Welcome to the Culbert family! Summer at just a few months old in 2017.

Now, keeping on a positive note about my retirement, here are a few pictures of our time on the golf course.

Angie Culbert and friends getting ready to tee off and play a round at Royal York Golf Course in Armstrong, British Columbia. Left to right: Sandy Bennett, Angie Culbert, Joan McLellan and Cis Stinson.
Locally, we play regularly at The Rise Golf Course; a spectacular course that is conveniently located right above our home, exactly eight minutes away driving straight up the mountain. The other course we play regularly is Royal York Golf Course in Armstrong, BC where I play every Wednesday in Senior Men’s and Thursday night Men’s night as well.
This is the view you get on #1 hole at The Rise a testy Par 5.

Another testy Par 5 the #18 hole at The Rise.

Grandson Blake Culbert and I getting ready to tee off on Hole #1 at The Rise. 

Getting ready to take my second shot on hole #18 at The Rise.
Looking back at hole #15 from the green on #16. #16 is a tough hole as you have to hit it 165 yards off the t-box to clear the water and  keep it straight right onto the green.

Grandson Blake Culbert hitting a beautiful t-shot off #16 Par 3 at The Rise clearing the pond and putting for a birdie. Grandpa Phil landed in the pond on his shot, took a drop on the other side and scored a stellar!

Angie and I getting ready to t-off on what was a very smoky day from all the forest fires.
Phil Culbert and good buddies Kerne Bennett, Mac McLellan and Darrel Stinson getting ready to tee off on hole #1 at Royal York Golf Course in Armstrong, BC on Canada Day thus the red and white shirts.

Angie and I getting ready to tee off again over all this fescue on this challenging Par-3 at The Rise. The sky is full of smoke again from the forest fires we endured for two straight summers.

Animals are a very common sight on most British Columbia golf courses including lots of deer, marmots, and all kinds of different birds such as eagles and many varieties of hawks. If you are lucky, you may also get to see the odd bear, coyote or even a rattlesnake; all indigenous species to our region!!!!

Mother deer with her two newborn fawns last spring at The Rise.

This baby fawn was left to sleep by it’s mother as she went off to forage for food. I took this photo last spring at The Rise. Mother deer came back to get her fawn a short time later, according to the Course Marshall when I asked about her well-being later.
One of many bears who live up here that you may get lucky enough to see during your round of golf at The Rise.
This marmot was enjoying a nice feed of fairway grass and soaking up the sun on a very hot Okanagan summer day.
Yes, that is indeed a Northern Pacific rattlesnake which you see more often on the southern Okanagan courses although we do have lots up at The Rise as well. This picture was taken by a friend of ours in Osoyoos, BC; a golf course Angie and I have played many times with our friends who live there.
One of the things Angie and I have done every year for the past 20 years is get together with three other couples who I've known for over 40 years, and two of them used to be customers of mine. They're now all long-retired except for Ron Toyota who is in his fourth term as Mayor of Creston, BC. We plan a trip every year to different golf courses in either BC (where three of the couples live) or Alberta (where one couple lives.) Last year we all met in Sundrie, Alberta to play two wonderful courses there.

Left to right: Art Futa from Oliver, BC.; Bill McDonald from Calgary, BC; Phil Culbert from Vernon, BC; and Ron Toyota from Creston, BC. Playing the Coyote Course Golf & Country Club in Sundrie.
Left to right: Judy Toyota, Jean Futa, Coleen McDonald and Angie Culbert.


Once the golf season ended in 2011 and the renos downstairs had been done I thought to myself “What now?“

Well it didn’t take very long to find a new hobby as my neighbour down the street asked me if I would be interested in curling. I explained to him that I had never curled before except once in my late 20’s when we curled in a company function that was more of a “who could not fall down after so many beers!” type of game.  

I never thought much about the sport after that except my interest in watching it on TV periodically. I thought I would give it a shot. So we went down to the VCC (Vernon Curling Club) and I realized very quickly once I got into the hack that balance while sliding on one knee at 61 years of age was not going to work for me.  

He suggested I try “stick curling,“ a rather new format of curling to our club. You're playing exactly the same rules except instead of “sliding“ out of the hack on one knee, you remain upright with one foot in the hack, and holding onto a carbon fibre stick with an attachment that hooks onto the rock. Once you have secured the stick to the handle of the rock, you walk out slowly, aiming for the broom at the other end that the skip is holding. Before you get to the hog line, put your turn on the handle and release the rock. It took me a few weeks to master this form of curling and be as competitive as most of the slide curlers were but once I did master it “look out Briar here I come!!!“

I played in the Senior Men’s League for the first two years. By the third year of curling, I decided to form a “Stick League“ that other clubs were already running in various Okanagan cities, the West Coast and Vancouver Island, and right across Canada all the way to the Maritimes including most Provinces along the way. I managed to ice 12 teams the first year and now, seven years later there is a waiting list to play in my 26-team, very competitive league. 

Phil (right) holding his broom down on the ice, giving his stick partner at the other end of the ice a target to aim for.
A Stick League is comprised of two-person teams with one player at each end competing against another team with two players. Each game is only six ends with six rocks thrown by each player on alternate ends. We play two games back-to-back each Wednesday. Each game only takes one hour to play so it's very quick. Lastly, there's no sweeping between the hog lines so it’s a lot easier on players' backs, knees etc. You are also allowed two one-minute time-outs per game. I was interviewed a few years ago about the popularity of stick curling and how it had caught on at the Vernon Curling Club. It was a full front page section in the local newspaper.  
Copy of the article in The Vernon Morning Star newspaper about Stick Curling at the Vernon Curling Club. (Click image to enlarge)

I continue to play in the Senior Men’s League on Tuesday and Thursdays, having being promoted to Skip. Also, I had a four-person team that I skipped in the Mixed League on Fridays until back issues persisted and I had to cut out Fridays after three years. I only curl Wednesdays and Thursdays now. I still play in as many out-of-town bonspiels as I can which is usually seven per year. That includes the bonspiel I host in Vernon, and have won several times with my stick partner, Blaine.

In 2015, I brought the BC Stick Curling Provincial Championship to Vernon, and hosted a total of 32 teams from across the Province. The following year, I secured hosting the Canadian National Stick Curling Championships with 40 teams from across Canada with several teams from Alberta, Manitoba, Saskatchewan and the Maritimes competing. I was the Chairperson of both those events. 

Here are a few highlight pictures from my stick curling career after nine years playing this wonderful game.
Phil Culbert with his stick partner at the time, Blaine Olson who competed in the first ever National Stick Curling Championship at the VCC with 40 teams from across Canada. Phil was also the Chairman of the event. 

The biggest event at our club at the end of each season are the Club Championships where the top Men’s, Ladies, Mixed, Seniors and Stick Leagues play for the hardware and title of “Club Champion.“ Having won our playoff round in order to qualify fo the Championship round, I’m pleased to say that my partner and I won it in 2019. We each had VCC club jackets awarded to us at the annual AGM last September.
Phil Culbert with his new stick curling partner Cliff Bryanton receiving their club jackets at the Vernon Curling Club AGM for winning the 2018/19 Club Championship for stick curling - Sept 2019.

Besides all the curling I've done since joining the Vernon Curling Club,I also got heavily involved in organizing leagues (stick league since I created it in 2013 and the mixed senior league for 2 years.) I also organize the annual Stick Curling Bonspiel and have chaired and played in both the Provincial and National Stick Curling Championships

For the past six years, I organize and put on a stick curling clinic every September. I teach new and current curlers how to stick curl, ice safety, rules, delivery of the rock, etc. Each class is usually 15-22 people each season, with many wanting to join the stick league or one of the other Senior Leagues once they've completed training.

I was recruited to join the Senior Men’s Board of Directors in only my second year at the club (we have roughly 125 Senior Men’s daytime curlers.) You must be 50+ years of age to qualify playing in our Senior Leagues. The first year I was a Director, the second year Vice-President, and then for the next four years, President. I stepped down after six years due to my commitment to the regular Vernon Curling Club Board of Directors. In 2018, I was presented with the prestigious Sigi Ogasawara Memorial Award for the volunteer work I had done with the men’s league.

This is the keeper plaque I was awarded along with my name inscribed on the club trophy that sits in the club trophy case.

I am currently Vice President of the 650 member Vernon Curling Club. I've held that position for the past four of the six years I’ve been on that board as both Director and VP. In 2019, at the Annual General Meeting I was pleasantly surprised to be awarded with the Vernon Curling Club's “Volunteer Appreciation Award“ in recognition of all the work and volunteering I'd done over the last several years at the club. My name was added to the plaque that sits proudly in the main entrance of the club, and I was given a keeper trophy to take home.

Phil Culbert receiving the Vernon Curling Club “Volunteer Appreciation Award“ at the annual AGM in 2019.

Well, that just about wraps up my busy 10 year retrospective of what I have been doing since I retired in 2010. Besides the golf, curling and renovations, Angie and I have managed to enjoy many trips and visits with family during this time except for when she was sick. 

For my 70th birthday this past April 1st, 2020, all my family were planning to fly here from California and Alberta, and drive here from Kelowna to help me celebrate. I was so excited that my three children and their families were going to be here together which is almost impossible to arrange at the best of times. All plans were put on hold due to the COVID-19 pandemic. It is all our hopes that this family reunion can still take place in the fall but only time will tell when it is safe to travel again.

This concludes the fourth and final chapter of my autobiography highlighting the first 70 years of my life. I hope everyone has enjoyed reading it.

I publicly wish to thank my dear cousin Mary Jane Culbert who created the Culbert Family History Blog. This blog has allowed us all to get to know our distant relatives, John Culbert and Mary Ward who started it all back in 1840 when they first immigrated to Canada from Ireland. We've also been able to read about many of their descendants' stories that Mary Jane has managed to track down and document in this blog. She has done an incredible job managing this site and I’m sure I speak for all my relatives and others when I say “Great job MJ!“

Me (Phil Culbert) holding an Irish bouquet of flowers complete with Irish flags at the Culbert Family Reunion in Grand Bend, Ontario in 2015. The reunion was hosted by my sister Vicky (Culbert) Schloendorf and her husband Earl Schloendorf at their home.

Phillip Myron Culbert's Family Tree:
John Culbert & Mary Ward (great-great-grandparents)
Richard Culbert & Jane Eleanor Fairhall (great-grandparents)
Myron Manford Culbert & Effie Pearl Taylor (grandparents)
Ivan Hector Culbert & Elvira Hutchings (parents)
Descendants (Children):

Bradley Steven Culbert    
Tara Christine Culbert  
Allison Victoria Culbert 

Installments of Phil Culbert's autobiography can be found through these links:
Part 1: The Early Years.
Part 2: Career.
Part 3: Family.  

And so we conclude Phil Culbert Month here on the Culbert Familiy History blog. Thank you, Phil!

Tuesday, 14 April 2020

Phil Culbert - Part 3: Family

In Part 3 of Phil Culbert's autobiography, we'll learn all about his family. If you missed earlier installments, click here for Phil's early years, and here for Phil's career.
Phillip Myron Culbert with his three children. Left to right: Phil Culbert, Tara Christine Culbert, Allison Victoria Culbert, and Bradley Steven Culbert.

Note from the blog author: Many of these photos can be enlarged by clicking on them. Now, take it away, Phil!

My first marriage was to Wendy Susan Roane from Teeswater, Ontario, daughter of Gerald and Margaret Roane. Wendy was working at London Life Insurance Company in London, Ontario when we first met.  I was still in high school when we started dating in the fall of 1967.  Just over a year later, we found out that she was going to have a baby. That's when I made the decision to quit school, get a job, and get married. We rented a one-bedroom, fully-furnished basement apartment in a house on Central Avenue in London for $90 a month. It was just around the corner from where my mother, father, brother Ian and youngest sister Christine lived.

Wendy and I married on December 14, 1968 at the home of Wendy’s parents in Teeswater with immediate family and a few friends in attendance. We were both 18 years old.  


Just over five months later, the proudest moment to that point of my life would happen, with the birth of my son Bradley Steven Culbert on May 31, 1969 at St. Joseph’s Hospital in London; the same hospital that I was born in 19 years earlier. I chose the name Bradley (Brad) as that was the name of a good friend from high school and I really liked that name. I chose the middle name Steven after my best buddy, Steve Matthews who I grew up with, and remains one of my closest friends to this day. Brad’s delivering physician was Dr. Naftolin who ironically was the same doctor that was our Camp Doctor at Camp White Bear on Lake Temagami where I worked for three summers from 1966-68. 
Bradley Steven Culbert born May 31, 1969 in St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, Ontario. Picture taken Nov. 1969 in London, Ontario.
Picture of Brad at just over a month old in our basement apartment on Central Ave in London circa Sept 1969.
Brad having a nap in our apartment in London, Ontario. This chair was a part of a set I bought at Leons in London in 1970. It was my first ever furniture purchase. Nice colour, eh?! (Note from the blog author: Is that Harvest Gold, Phil?)

Brad helping his Mom do dishes at our apartment in London, 1970.
Sadly, this is the only picture I have of my Mom and Dad (Elvira Hutchings and Ivan Culbert) together in a picture with Brad and myself. This photo was taken in 1969, a few months after Brad was born. Look at that smile Brad has in Grandpa’s arms. My mom had just recently been released from hospital after suffering a massive brain hemorrhage in October, 1968.

This picture was taken Christmas, 1970 in the upper floor apartment we rented in the same house on Central Avenue in London.  We now had two bedrooms and an upper roof deck to sit on. All that for only $20 more per month.
Brad sitting on his Grandpa Culbert’s knee in our apartment in London in 1969. Mom and Dad had bought this hat for Brad and he was just trying in on for size. Looks like he was ready to go curling!

As I mentioned in Part 2 of my “Career Bio,“ I was working for General Steel Wares (GSW) in London, Ontario, and then for six months in Weston, Ontario. I was commuting back and forth on weekends until November, 1971 when I accepted the position of Operations Manager at our Vancouver branch. I flew out to Vancouver for a month to get settled with my new job, and find a place for us to live. I flew back to London to get the family, and we moved out in late December. We lived at the Blue Boy Hotel in Vancouver until our furniture arrived on Christmas Eve, 1971.  


Shortly after moving into our apartment in Coquitlam, British Columbia, Wendy found that she was pregnant with our second child. The timing was perfect! New job, higher salary, and a new apartment. For the second time in my life, my chest was about to burst with pride again as our beautiful daughter Tara Christine Culbert was born prematurely on August 8th, 1972 at Royal Columbian Hospital in New Westminster, British Columbia, weighing just 4 pounds, 11 ounces. This is the same hospital where Terry Fox spent so much of his young life battling cancer before succumbing to the dreaded disease. Tara would remain in the NICU for a few weeks before she gained enough weight and was healthy enough to bring home.
Tara Culbert’s birth announcement, August 8, 1972. Wendy chose her first name and I chose her middle name Christine after my sister, Christine.

Tara in her crib at our apartment in Coquitlam, B.C. circa November, 1972.
Proud papa Phil holding his new daughter Tara in their Coquitlam apartment.  Check out those side burns on Papa Phil!! Yikes!! September, 1972.
Grandpa Culbert (Ivan) flew out to Vancouver to see his new granddaughter, Tara. I’m sure Tara is thinking “Dad! Where did you get that tie? “ (Note from the blog author: "I concur.")
"This baby bowl I am eating out of was handmade for my Aunt Vicky Culbert in 1947 by a friend of my grandparents, Florence Atcheson in Lucan, Ontario. This bowl was used again by my Uncle Ian Culbert when he was a baby in 1948; then used by my Dad Phil Culbert in 1950; and then my Aunt Christine Culbert in 1955.  It was handed down to my dad Phil, and was used by my brother Brad Culbert in 1969, by me (Tara Culbert) in 1972, and by my sister, Allison Culbert in 1987. The bowl was then handed down to my brother Brad who used it for his two boys in California: Braden Culbert in 1999 and Tate Culbert in 2001. WOW! I hope it got washed well!!!!"
“Look! I have a new playmate named Mickey!!!"
"This duck on my chest really “quacks” me up!!!"


In May, 1973 we moved to Kamloops, BC where I had accepted the position of Area Sales Manager with General Steel Wares. I found an apartment for us to live in for a few months until I purchased our first home in Kamloops. The house was brand new and cost only $31,000, far less than what we pay for new cars today!! This would be the family home for the next 10 years.
Our Kamloops home at 2612 Sandpiper Drive which we moved into in the Spring of 1974.


Brad and Tara would both do their primary and secondary school education in Kamloops. They both graduated from Kamloops Senior Secondary School; Brad in 1987 and Tara in 1990.

Brad and Tara enjoyed many extra-curricular activities. Tara participated in Competitive Gymnastics as well as Softball, Racquetball and 4-H.  Tara’s love of horses started very early in life.

Tara proudly showing off her blue ribbon that she won in competition.
Tara (left) had a brush with fame a few years ago when living in Kamloops when her and her best friend Rhonda met movie icon Martin Sheen who was filming a movie there.
Tara Culbert’s grad picture from Kamloops Senior Secondary School, June, 1990.

Brad enjoyed organized soccer, softball, and racquetball. He became heavily involved in a competition at his high school called “Olympics of the Mind“
for which he competed provincially in Vancouver with his teammates. Brad’s scholastic straight “A” achievements in high school along with his participation in the Olympics of the Mind Program earned him a $1000 US Scholarship from General Electric. This was used towards his tuition at UBC in Vancouver as well as $500 US for his school.
This photo, published in the Kamloops Daily News, shows Brad receiving a plaque and a cheque on behalf of General Electric from Tom Suddaby, Vice President of Camco Inc., who flew out from Toronto for the presentation.  Also in the picture is Brad’s father, Phil who also works for Camco along with Brad’s Principal Gordon Lloyd and the Olympics of the Mind coordinator Jim Hebden.

Brad received this letter from General Electric in Fairfield, Connecticut congratulating him on his win. This contest was open to all graduating children of General Electric employees worldwide.
Letter to me (Phil) from then Vice President of GE Canada, Steve Snyder congratulating Brad on his win. Steve went on to become President of GE Canada. Later in his career, he accepted the position of President and CEO of TransAlta which is a world leader and Canada’s largest Electricity provider, based in Calgary.
Letter to Brad congratulating him on his prestigious award, and to let him know he would be flying out to Kamloops to present the award personally to him and his school.
Brad getting ready to bunt at the plate, playing softball in Kamloops.  He fooled the infielders and swung away for a double.

Visiting good friends on a farm in Avonlea, Saskatchewan where they taught Brad how to lasso a pig!

School photo of Brad Culbert, Kamloops, BC.
Brad (right) visiting his Uncle Ian Culbert (left) and Aunt Nancy and cousins in London, Ontario.
Brad Culbert graduates from Kamloops High School in May, 1987.

After graduating from high school, my daughter, Tara moved in with Angie and I in Vernon for a while before accepting a job in Whistler, British Columbia in 1991. Tara was working at the Chateau Whistler Hotel where she would meet my future son-in-law, Rob Simonelli who also worked there.  

PHIL'S GRANDCHILDREN, BLAKE CULBERT AND BRIELLE CULBERT (children of Tara Christine Culbert and Rob Simonelli)

Tara would eventually end up in Kelowna with Rob, working and raising their two wonderful children, Blake Culbert (born August 13, 1993) and Brielle Culbert (born December 1, 1999.)
Tara has worked for over 25 years at Save-on Foods, a Jim Pattison Group Company and Western based Food Store Chain. Rob worked many years for Voyageur R.V. as Shop and Detail Manager, overseeing a large staff.  

Tara also worked part time for several years as a gymnastics coach at Kelowna Gymnastics Club where her daughter, Brielle Culbert was a competitive gymnast just like her Mom. Brielle won many provincial titles including “all around“ Gold in four disciplines at the Provincials in Vancouver.   

My grandson, Blake Culbert played organized competitive hockey going through all the levels including playing five years of Junior hockey which included the Kamloops Storm in Kamloops, BC; and the last two years as Assistant Captain of the North Okanagan Knights in Armstrong, BC where he was their first line centre and second in scoring both years there (first in assists.) Once his Junior Hockey career finished, Blake accepted a job with The Coca-Cola Company in Kelowna where he has worked ever since.  

Brielle Culbert has continued her education and is now in her third year at the University of British Columbia, Kelowna Campus. 

Here are some pictures of Tara Culbert, her husband Rob Simonelli, their son Blake Culbert and their daughter, Brielle Culbert:
Grandpa Phil Culbert proudly holding his first grandson, Blake Culbert born Aug 13, 1993 with Blake's Mom Tara Culbert, Blake's Dad Rob Simonelli, and Blake's Aunt Allison Culbert.

“Weekend at Bernies!“ Actually, it’s weekend with Grandpa Phil and Blake.

Blake Culbert playing for the Kelowna Rockets Midget Hockey Team.
#10 Assistant Captain Blake Culbert playing centre for the North Okanagan Knights Junior Hockey Team.
Brielle Culbert in action at the 2010 Provincial Gymnastics Championship in Vancouver where she won GOLD in the All Around 4 discipline competition in her age category.
Family photo in 2010 with Tara, Brielle, Blake and Rob. Photo by kim culbert photography.

Brielle Culbert with her Aunt Allison’s puppy, Diesel in 2010. Photo by kim culbert photography.
Brielle Culbert with her Grandpa, Phil Culbert at her Aunt Allison Culbert's wedding in Playa del Carmen, Mexico in November, 2016.
Rob, Tara, Blake and Brielle family picture 2003.


After graduating from high school in Kamloops, Brad Culbert applied to and was accepted at the University of British Columbia (UBC) in Vancouver, and would follow his dream of a degree in Engineering. He would graduate five years later with his Bachelor of Applied Science Degree, specializing in Metals and Materials.
Brad Culbert’s grad photo from the University of British Columbia, May, 1992.

Even before graduating from UBC, Brad was offered a job in Design Engineering working for my company, Camco Inc., at their head office and manufacturing facility in Hamilton, Ontario where he had worked the previous three summers earning money for University. He worked there from 1992-1994, and was assigned to help design and build a new platform of a specialized refrigerator, working with an engineering team to come up with this new design.  

Brad completed the project with Camco, and would soon be offered an opportunity in the medical field. He accepted the position of Angioplasty Team Leader for Vas-Cath in Toronto; a manufacturer of catheters, where he worked from 1994-1996.  This was a field Brad was very interested in and would subsequently lead him to southern California. 

In California, Brad accepted a position working for a few Medical Device Companies in Irvine, California including CVD as Research and Development Project Manager from 1996-1998, then accepting a position with Endicor Medical as Senior Research & Development Project Manager from 1998-2000. Finally, he accepted an offer from Interventional Spine Inc (formally Triage Medical) where he would work for 10 years, becoming Chief Technical Officer, Vice President Research & Development, specializing in Clasp Technology & Teleport Access Technology from 2000-2010, a total of 10 years.
A couple of years after moving to California, Brad decided to further his education. He took night school courses after work, and in three years he obtained his Masters in Business Administration (MBA) from Cal State University, Fullerton while working full time. 

After 10 years with Interventional Spine Inc., Brad decided to go out on his own. He formed his own company, Brad Culbert Consulting, offering consulting services to medical device companies which he continues to do successfully to this day.  Brad’s job also includes extensive travelling to medical conferences all over the world as well as working with doctors and surgeons, instructing them on the use of his medical devices.  Brad has had many patents over the years for medical devices he has invented or co-created with his engineering team that he has lead.

Brad Culbert invents soft tissue anchor

Brad found time to play hockey for many years as a recreational outlet which he absolutely loves in a non-contact ( Men’s Hockey League in southern California. He also plays golf when he gets a chance, usually with one of his boys.

PHIL'S GRANDSONS, BRADEN CULBERT & TATE CULBERT (the sons of Bradley Steven Culbert)

When Brad moved to southern California in 1996, his longtime girlfriend Ingrid Vaughan, daughter of Jack and Gail Vaughan, also moved with him and they would eventually get married back here in Vernon, British Columbia on August 2, 1997. The ceremony took place at historical O’Keefe Ranch with family and friends in attendance. Unfortunately, the marriage would eventually break down after almost 20 years, ending in an amicable divorce in 2016.

Brad and Ingrid had two wonderful boys together: my grandsons, Braden Andrew Culbert born February 5th, 1999; and Tate Steven Culbert born September 6th, 2001 in Rancho Santa Margarita, California where they live.

Braden and Tate on a visit to see Grandpa and Grandma Culbert in Vernon, BC.

Braden and Tate Culbert (left) hanging out with their Canadian cousins Brielle and Blake Culbert (right) on a trip to Vernon.

Brad, Braden and Tate on a visit to London to attend Brad’s cousin Nicole’s wedding reception.
An unexpected surprise visit!! While visiting my brother Ian Culbert and his wife Nancy in London, Ontario, Braden and Tate had a surprise visit from one of their hockey heros. Corey Perry was a star player for the Anaheim Ducks in California. Corey was in town visiting his old friend and billet who he lived with while playing for the London Knights Junior Hockey Team.
Braden and Tate went to the same High School, Trabuco Hills High School in Mission Viejo, California, and both boys enjoyed extra-curricular activities both at school and outside of school.  

Braden Culbert became heavily involved in his High School Marching Band as a drummer for a few years. Braden competed at the National level for the top marching bands in the United States in Indianapolis, Indiana in his final year of high school, and where he was also awarded the “Outstanding Percussionist Award.“
Braden Culbert accepting his “Outstanding Percussionist Award“ in 1997.

Braden Culbert (centre) in his dress uniform at the Drum Line World Championship in Dayton, Ohio.

Tate Culbert played competitive lacrosse both field and indoor which he enjoyed very much. Both boys also played baseball, hockey, skiing, golf and many other outdoor recreational activities.
#4 Tate Culbert, “Mustangs Lacrosse Team,“ Aliso Viejo, California.

Braden Culbert graduated from Trabuco Hills High School in 2017 and is currently in his third year at California State University in San Marcos, California (near San Diego) where he is majoring in Psychology.

Tate Culbert will graduate in June 2020 from Trabuco Hills High School. The balance of his classes are being done on-line due to the COVID-19 outbreak and mandatory self-isolation protocol. Unfortunately, Tate and his classmates will not have the pleasure and experience of a graduation ceremony due to this horrible situation. The good news is that Tate has been accepted at Cal State University, Fullerton this fall majoring in Business. This is the same university where his father, Brad Culbert completed his MBA several years earlier.

My handsome grandsons, Tate Culbert (left) and Braden Culbert (right) all dressed up for their mother’s wedding in England in 2018.
My son, Brad Culbert now resides in Mission Viejo, California with his girlfriend Liliana Martinez. Brad's youngest son, Tate Culbert lives with his mother and her husband Tim in Rancho Santa Margarita, California. Brad's oldest son, Braden Culbert lives with two fraternity brothers off-campus in San Marcos, California while going to university there.


I decided to move to Vernon, British Columbia in early January, 1983 after my separation the previous July, after almost 15 years of marriage.  My children, Brad and Tara stayed in the family home with their mother and would visit me in Vernon every second weekend and on holidays.  I had always liked Vernon which sits in a valley surrounded by two beautiful lakes: Okanagan Lake which stretches 135 kilometers all the way to Penticton in the south, and Kalamalka Lake which is one of the most beautiful and colourful lakes in Canada with various shades of bright green and blues caused by minerals in the water that become quite pronounced as the water warms up from the hot Okanagan sun in the summer.  Both lakes are very popular with the locals and tourists for boating, swimming and fishing.  My job allowed me to live anywhere I wanted in the Okanagan as I worked out of a home office for 37 years. So Vernon was a good choice and still close enough to the kids, being only 90 minutes away.


It was in Vernon that I met Angela "Angie" Wooldridge, born May 4, 1957, daughter of John and Audrey Wooldridge. We met in early February, 1983 during the annual Vernon Winter Carnival.  Angie had immigrated to Canada a few years earlier from Bournemouth, England where her parents still lived six months of the year and the other six months they lived here in Vernon to be close to Angie and their oldest daughter, Diane who had already immigrated here. Angie worked at the local radio station CJIB, initially as a receptionist, and then in accounting. Angie eventually becoming Traffic Manager until she retired in 2017, after 36 years.

Angie and I had our first date on Valentines Day. 1983; a day that is still very special to both of us 37 years later.  My children, Brad and Tara were visiting me that weekend so I took them along on the date and it went extremely well. I knew right then and there that this girl was special; the way she took to both of my children right away, and was equally accepted by them as well.

We married on August 10th, 1985 in a beautiful ceremony at Trinity United Church in Vernon, attended by 100 guests and family members, some who flew in from England, Chicago, Ontario and Alberta; as well as friends from Vernon, Prince George, Kelowna and Kamloops, BC. Unfortunately, this almost 100-year-old church, burnt to the ground a week after our wedding from arson. Ours was one of the last weddings to be held there. Our reception was held at the Vernon Lodge Hotel & Conference Centre and our honeymoon was at Lake Okanagan Resort in West Kelowna.  This August (2020) we will celebrate our 35th Wedding Anniversary.

Presenting Mr. & Mrs. Phil & Angie Culbert married August 10, 1985.

Left to right: Jr. Bridesmaid -Daughter Tara Culbert; Bride- Angie Culbert; Groom- Phil Culbert; and Groomsman - Son Brad Culbert.

Front Row: Groomsmen Dick Harris and Brad Culbert. Back Row: Groomsman Bill Anger, Phil Culbert and brother and Best Man Ian Culbert.

Culbert Wedding Party on the steps of Trinity United Church in Vernon, British Columbia after the ceremony - August 10, 1985.

Wedding newspaper clipping

Angie and I stayed in the house that we were renting until the Spring of 1986 when we purchased our first home together; a 3-level split on the East Hill of Vernon called Sterling Estates only a block away from where Angie’s parents lived. This location became quite convenient, especially when our daughter Allison was born and we needed Grandma to babysit.  This would be our home for the next seven years.

Phil and daughter Tara standing in the driveway of Phil & Angie’s new home located at 3903 - 17th Street on the East Hill in Vernon, BC., Spring 1986.


On September 23rd, 1987 Angie and I were blessed with the birth of our daughter, Allison Victoria Culbert weighing in at 7 pounds, 7 ounces.  For the third time in my life, my chest was popping out with pride as I was about to become a father again. Angie has a cousin named Alison (different spelling) back in England. We both loved the name so we chose that as her first name, and for her middle name we chose Victoria after my sister, Victoria "Vicky" (Culbert) Schloendorf

Allison Victoria Culbert, 6 months old. This was her first picture by a professional photographer - March 1988.

When Allison was young, she loved to dress up in any clothes that were around, putting on various hats, usually one of her mother's. She was an extremely happy, healthy and easy-going child, and quickly developed a very special relationship with her Grandma Wooldridge and her big sister Tara. Unfortunately, Allison never got to see her older brother, Brad much growing up because when she was born, Brad went off to University in Vancouver for five years and he spent all his summers working before going back to school in the fall. She did get to see him on holidays when he would come home for Christmas and Spring breaks. 
Allison trying on one of her Mom’s hats.

Allison started her primary schooling at Silver Star Elementary School when we lived on the East Hill and then attended Okanagan Landing Elementary School when we moved to our current house in 1993.
Grade 1 photo of Allison taken at Silver Star Elementary School - Vernon, BC.

Allison and Kimo sitting enjoying the sun on our front deck.

Once she reached Grade 5, Allison became heavily involved in sports at school, specifically basketball and volleyball. She grew very quickly in height all throughout her school years so these two sports really served her well. She became one of the top players in both sports throughout her elementary and high school years, especially in basketball. Allison is left-handed and that really gave her an advantage against the defense of many teams.

We (Phil and Angie) sold our East Hill home in 1993 and moved into our dream home overlooking beautiful Okanagan Lake just a short drive (or walk) to the Kin Beach just below our house. The house has outstanding views of the lake from every room at the front of the house and we are still here 27 years later.

This has been our family home on Cameo Drive in Lakeridge Estates in Okanagan Landing for the past 26 years, and where Allison grew up and went to school.

This is the view we’ve had from our front deck for the past 26 years.

Allison did very well in school scholastically as well as spending many hours after school practicing the two loves of her life, basketball and volleyball. In her final year of Junior High School volleyball, Allison's team won the Provincial Championship in Prince George, defeating the top team from the Coast and taking home the top honours in the Province. Angie and I made the seven-hour drive up there with Allison to watch every game and see her and her teammates come home with the trophy.  It was a very proud moment for all the players, coaches and parents and all of Clarence Fulton Secondary School.

The Fulton Maroons Junior Girls Volleyball Provincial Champions - #2 Allison Culbert back row, far right side.

Front page headlines of the Vernon Morning Star's sports section. Allison is the one with her head turned, smiling at the camera in the top photo, and is in the middle of the back row with the black top in the bottom photo.

Phil and Angie with their daughter, Allison Culbert in 2002.

My three wonderful children: left to right: Allison Culbert, Brad Culbert and Tara Culbert in 2002.

Allison graduated from Fulton Secondary School in 2005. In February, 2006 she set out on the next journey of her young life, moving to Red Deer, Alberta. She immediately got a job, a place to live, and figured out what she wanted to do with herself and her career.  After working very hard for four years, in 2010 she decided to go to college and further her education to get a better paying job.  She attended daily classes at Red Deer College and worked a part-time job every night and weekends. In three years, Allison graduated with a diploma in Finance. She was immediately offered a job as Finance Manager at Red Deer Nissan and has successfully continued in that industry for the past seven years.
Allison graduates with her Finance Diploma from Red Deer College in 2013.

Both Angie and I are very proud of how Allison was so determined to better herself through education and hard work. She has become a much sought-after leader in the Automobile Finance industry. Allison is currently working at KIA Red Deer as Finance Manager.

In 2013, Allison met the man who would become her lifelong partner and the love of her life, Dan Tait, born March 29, 1983, son of Rick and Laurie Tait of Red Deer, Alberta. Allison and Dan started dating soon after that. Allison was working as the Finance Manager at Red Deer Nissan and Dan was the General Sales Manager also at Red Deer Nissan.
Dan and Allison at their annual Dealership Christmas Party.

Dan and Allison got engaged just before Christmas, 2015. Dan wanted to surprise Allison so he rented a horse-drawn sleigh carriage and they went for a very romantic sleigh ride on a snow-covered road in the country. Dan asked the driver stop the sleigh. The driver and Allison got out of the carriage. Dan grabbed Allison's hand and got down on one knee in the snow and proposed to her! 
Talk about a romantic proposal. Dan on one knee in the snow proposing to Allison in December, 2015 just outside Red Deer, Alberta.
Allison Culbert and Dan Tait were married 11 months later in a beautiful beach ceremony in Playa del Carmen, Mexico on November 4th, 2016 with 35 friends and family in attendance. The weather that day was beautiful as it usually is on the Mayan Peninsula, with enough of a cool breeze to keep everyone comfortable. 

Allison and Dan taking a stroll along the beach after the ceremony.

Allison and Dan raising their arms in joy as they walk by their family and guests after the ceremony.

Allison and Dan’s family played a huge role in the wedding party. Allison's sister, Tara Culbert was Maid of Honour, and Allison's niece Brielle Culbert and Dan’s sister Lauren Dempster were bridesmaids. Dan's brother, Justin Tait served as best man, and Dan's son Hayden Tait and Dan's brother-in-law Michael Dempster were groomsman.  Also, Dan's daughter Georgia Tait and Dan's niece Addie Dempster were flower girls, and Dan's nephew Merrick Dempster was the ring bearer.

Dan and Allison’s wedding Party in Playa Del Carmen, Mexico - Nov. 4, 2016.

Left to right: Allison's mother, Angie Culbert; Allison's brother, Brad Culbert; Allison (Culbert) Tait; Allison's sister, Tara Culbert; and Allison's father, Phil Culbert.

Allison and Dan with Allison’s family who attended the wedding. Left to right: Angie’s brother-in-law Don Hickey and Angie's sister Diane; Allison's brother Brad Culbert and his girlfriend Liliana Martinez; Allison's father, Phil Culbert; Allison (Culbert) Tait;, Dan Tait and Angie (Wooldridge) Culbert; Allison's niece Brielle Culbert, Allison's sister Tara Culbert and Tara's husband Rob Simonelli and Allison's nephew Blake Culbert. Missing: Brad’s son’s and Allison’s nephews Braden & Tate Culbert who were in school in California.

Mom and Dad (Phil and Angie) escorting their beautiful daughter Allison Culbert to the altar (which was set up on a stage on the beach) to marry the love of her life Dan Tait.

Dan Tait being escorted up to the stage by his mother Laurie and his father Rick Tait where Dan will soon be wed to the love of his life, Allison Culbert.

After the ceremony, the bride and groom and the wedding party stayed on the beach for photos. Later that afternoon, everyone headed for the hotel where we were staying, the Grand Sunset Princess Resort. They set up a magnificent buffet dinner for all guests to enjoy on the beach, complete with a special dance floor which lit up in different colours for everyone to dance and party on after the dinner. All the guests stayed in the hotel for the week, enjoying all the festivities it had to offer before flying home. The bride and groom drove to Cancun the following week for a honeymoon at The Hard Rock Cancun Resort where they enjoyed a wonderful week together before flying home.

ARRIVAL OF PHIL'S GRANDSON, LINCOLN PHILLIP TAIT (son of Allison Victoria Culbert and Dan Tait.)

In May of the following year, Allison proudly announced that she was pregnant and that the baby was due in February, 2018.  Both sets of Allison and Dan’s parents and their siblings, nieces, nephews and friends were overjoyed with excitement. Allison was about to experience the joys of motherhood for the first time!
Dan and Allison expressing their excitement they both feel as they await the birth of their new baby in a few weeks.

Lincoln Phillip Tait was born January 8th, 2018 in Red Deer Hospital, four weeks early to proud parents Dan and Allison Tait. Despite the early arrival he still weighed 7 3 oz lbs and was an absolute bundle of joy!
Over the past 2 years we have been to Red Deer to see our new grandson Lincoln a few times but it never seems enough. Thank goodness for FaceTime as we use it at least once a week to keep up with his development from crawling, to walking, to speaking, playing hockey, etc.  Lincoln is an absolute joy to communicate with, and he loves it when Grandpa Phil does his Donald Duck impersonation. (Note from the blog author: I regret that there is no audio footage to share with you.)

Allison took a full year off work to be with and bond with Lincoln and now he attends a wonderful daycare, and he loves it and the new friends he has made there.
Allison went back to work at KIA Red Deer as their Finance Manager. Dan was promoted again and is now the General Manager of Red Deer Mitsubishi which is owned by the same owner of KIA. Angie and I are so proud of both Allison and Dan and their commitment to their jobs and their family.

I conclude this part of the Family bio and leave you with a few picture of my grandson Lincoln as he has developed and grown these past two years.

Phil's grandson, Lincoln Phillip Tait smiling wide for the camera.

"OK Mom! It wasn’t me that did it, honest!"
Introducing future Calgary Flame forward, Lincoln Tait.....I am secretly hoping he’s a Vancouver Canuck but his Dad would be upset if I said that....LOL.


Come back soon to read the final installment in Phil Culbert's autobiography as Phil Culbert Month continues here on the Culbert Family History blog!

Phillip Myron Culbert's Family Tree:
John Culbert & Mary Ward (great-great-grandparents)
Richard Culbert & Jane Eleanor Fairhall (great-grandparents)
Myron Manford Culbert & Effie Pearl Taylor (grandparents)
Ivan Hector Culbert & Elvira Hutchings (parents)
Descendants (Children):
Bradley Steven Culbert
Tara Christine Culbert
Allison Victoria Culbert

Installments of Phil Culbert's autobiography can be found through these links: