Saturday 12 January 2019

Tongue Frozen Stuck

Sure, you've seen it in the movies...
Frozen tongue scene from A Christmas Story

 And if you're Canadian, I know you've tried it...

Okay, so maybe it was just me. 

But for the rest of you, did you know that your tongue really can get frozen stuck to metal?

Here's what happened to Reg Beavers, the little son of Councillor B.W.F. Beavers, a store owner in Exeter, a town north of the Culbert homestead near Lucan, Ontario...

Source: Exeter Times, 13 Jan 1916, page 14.

 Not convinced yet? Need scientific proof?
Click on the image to enlarge this chart

Don't try this at home, kids.


  1. This also works if you climb on a chair when you are about 4 or 5 years old and put your tongue on the ice inside a freezer. You only do that once!

    1. Age 4 or 5? Or was it YESTERDAY, Wendy?

      I'm going to ask your mother if she took a photo.
