The first photograph is from the collection of Mert and Muriel Culbert of Lucan. It was taken in the early 1940s at Poplar Farm (the Culbert homestead) near Lucan, Ontario...
The oldest member of the family is Jane (Fairhall) Culbert, seated in the rocking chair. Technically, she's not a Culbert descendant since she married a Culbert but her husband Richard Culbert died a decade earlier, in 1932. Seated beside Jane is her son, Myron Manford Culbert. Seated in front of Myron is his son, Kenneth Arthur Culbert. The baby is one of Ken's two sons; I'm not sure whether it's Cam or Greg.
On the back of this photo, Myron's son Mert Culbert wrote, "The four generations. Dad says he looks as if he is catching flies"...
"Dad" is Myron Culbert who's seated on the left of that photo with his mouth open.
Our next photo was taken in 1946 and sent to us by Carole (McLeod) Cox of Winnipeg, Manitoba...
The oldest family member (again) is Jane (Fairhall) Culbert. Standing behind Jane is her son, George Arthur Culbert. On the far right we see Arthur's daughter, Jean Elsie (Culbert) McLeod. The little girl is Jean's daughter, Carole Ann Jean McLeod (now Carole Cox.)
The next photo was sent to us by Betty (Carscallen) Marmura of Antigonish, Nova Scotia and was taken around 1938...
The oldest family member is once again Jane (Fairhall) Culbert. Behind Jane is her daughter, Hulda (Culbert) Carscallen whom you'll remember from her years in China. Beside Hulda is her son, Charles Newton Carscallen. The baby is Elizabeth "Betty" Carscallen (now Betty Marmura.)
Jane (Fairhall) Culbert makes yet another appearance in this photo sent to us by Wendy (Carscallen) Boole of Ottawa, Ontario. It was taken around 1944...

Standing behind Jane is her daughter, Hulda (Culbert) Carscallen. Seated beside Jane is Hulda's daughter, Kathleen Ethel "Kay" (Carscallen) Gowland. The little girl is Kay's daughter, Patricia Jane Gowland (now Pat Rowell.)
Here we see the same four members of the Culbert family, taken at a different time than the photo above...
And finally, the Westell Family. This photo, taken in 1948 was sent to us by Don Jarrell of Courtenay, British Columbia...
Thanks, everyone for your photos!
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